
Onsite Superintendent

Eyal plays a pivotal role at SoHo as our Onsite Superintendent. He excels in facilitating seamless communication between the office and clients, ensuring that all requirements are clearly understood and met with precision. His project management skills enable him to streamline processes and complete projects swiftly and efficiently.

With a proactive approach, Eyal anticipates the needs of each project, guaranteeing that our teams have what they need when they need it. His ability to coordinate and manage resources effectively is crucial to our success.

“Each house represents the fulfillment of a dream and a personal creation for its owner.”

Eyal, a seasoned professional in the construction industry, has been with SoHo for around two years, bringing a lifetime of experience to his role as an Onsite Superintendent. His extensive background in construction has equipped him with a deep understanding of the field, making him an invaluable asset to the SoHo team. Eyal's love for construction is rooted in the transformative power of building homes. Being a part of turning dreams into reality is what he finds more rewarding.

Our Team